Infographic Draft


Please upload your responses to the following (in a format that works best for your group, i.e. .pdf, .jpeg, etc.). Please note: This is a group activity. Please submit a single document with the content below.


Part One
Respond to the following in (approx. 200) words: Who is the audience for your graphic? What is your topic? How has your topic been politicized due to a public communications failure? How does your infographic illustrate ways you redress communications failure? What does the graphic communication to audiences that other modes on your website do not?

Part Two

Create a basic Outline of your graphic: In a design tool of your choice, arrange Headings, Subheadings, and General Findings. Include a draft of 2-4 panels of your graphic OR a draft of 2-3 main visuals, (e.g. text boxes, charts, graphs, icons, etc.)


To set up your Blog go to (Links to an external site.). Please see the IAC Blogs How-To Slideshow for more on how to create and configure IAC Class Blogs.


As long as you publish your post to your IAC WordPress class blog on or before the assigned time/date, you will earn full points per document. Remember these activities are designed to develop skills we will use throughout the class and in the major projects. The documents also provide an opportunity for invention and revision.


Paste the URL from the post on your IAC WordPress site into the field in the Canvas Assignment Page. Don’t hesitate to email me with any questions if you run into any technical problems.


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